Hackpen Hill,
25 8 2012.
Hackpen Hill, 25-8-2012. © Simon Brown.
The System
This very brilliant formation has amazed people because of its superior design and its quality
of accomplishment. It clearly represents the "grand final" of the 2012 season, a season of a very
legendary year as many people believed, the world would, in some way or
another, end, due to Mayan prophecy.
Analysis shows even bigger superiority than one sees at first sight, which is a property that
we often come across regarding crop circles.
The cube
The formations main feature can be considered "the cube". In this setting I strongly believe it
to represent "the system". Later on I will explain why. In any case the impression of a cube is
inevitable, even if, after closer inspection it turns out to be an illusion.
Generally spoken a cube represents a state of perfection, the highest possible cultivation of
"the ball". It can be considered thé geometrical object among the geometrical objects, a
construction of sense or a projection of evolutionary completion. The cube can also represent
the universe or heaven.
The way in which the cube at the Hackpen formation is being presented, makes it clear that we
can call it a construction, as it is build-up out of several little cubes. Some of these cubes
are open in such a way that we can see their skeletal structure. This skeletal structure makes
it even more look like a construction. We could also call them frames. It is funny to see how
the cube as a whole embraces the idea of a skeleton or a framework. The term "framing" should,
in my estimation, not get overlooked.
Rubic's cube
This crop circle cube shows many similarities to the famous "Rubic’s cube", because it is
build-up by many small cubes. For a better understanding of particular ideas behind Hackpen’s
formation, we can study Rubic’s invention. Ofcourse, in its essence it is a puzzle to be completed.
However, one can extract for example thoughts as "the balance between turning and blocking".
Reaching a better understanding.
Reaching a better understanding
Spectacular crop circles that conclude a season often give me the feeling they hint with a
specific theme to something about the time in which they appear, or else, the near future. It's
like they're marking a certain period in time related to a specific event or theme that's important for
the world or for mankind.
Snowden's revalations
It's possible to understand the formation as being a precursor of Snowden's revelations and of
all what they've brought about and of what they'll bring about. As a support for this view we
can consider "Hackpen Hill" referring to "hacking". The strong impression of a Rubic's cube I
associate with a special event in Hong Kong that happened on june 31st, 2013. At that day,
Edward Snowden handed over a big amount of information about America's national secret services,
the NSA, to journalist Glenn Greenwald and moviemaker Laura Poitras.
Laura Poitras, Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald.
Greenwald and Poitras, as was communicated, recognised Snowden by a Rubic's cube he held in his
hand while entering the hotel's lobby. This event can easily be considered as crucial in modern
history. It shows how the action of one single person can be important for millions of people,
for their rights on democracy, freedom of speech and privacy.
The link I make between Snowden's revelations and the crop circle is not fully evident yet. We
can see another meaningfull connection, but that needs a little introduction.
The system
With or without the association of a Rubic's Cube, it's important for interprating the crop circle
to notice the structure seems to contain many little cubes. It seems as if we see several small
cubes versus one all-embracing cube which can represent the sum of all the little cubes. We can
easily project this information on, for example, the structure of society. In other words:
"the system".
Many individuals organised together form a massive totality that more or less mirror each individual.
Religious people might aswell see an image of God in the big cube.
Here on earth we can speak about the organisation of mankind as "the system". The system that demands
parents register their newly born child. The system that imposes vaccines to babies and that obliges
childeren in an early stage to frequent school for learning things that mainly aren't conform their
natural tendencies. The system that prescribes us to work for almost all of our lives and which fills
our spare time with indoctrinating distractions and suggestions so that we'll never be able to stand
in our original strenght. Despite of all this and much more, the system makes us believe that, we are
free and that this structure is democratically organised.
History teaches us that the more humanity involves itself with technology, the more it is possible to
speak of "the system". An enormous dominance of the system has become possible by the invention of the
computer. The little cubes in the crop circle design make us easily think about data storage,
especially when we look closer and notice that it's not necessarily about cubes but aswell about tiles.
Tile structures are typical for the storage of information and reproduction in computer technology.
Tile structures for data storage.
Large scale collecting of personal information from citizens by a select group of rulers makes it
possible to form society according the desire of such a group. Reality has it that several of such
groups secretly collect this kind of information.
All over the world secret services are allowed to do things that are forbidden for common citizins.
But even if they do things that are against the law, then they won't be punished as secrecy prevents
decent jurisdiction.
Self determination
When we talk about the so called democratic governments it becomes extremely suspicious that they mask
their practices without justifying them to the citizins. The citizens are more and more being pushed
or forced to give up their private lives. Ordinary people must offer transparancy about what they're
doing and thinking while the government explicitly withdraws itself from transparancy.
The comment often heard by the population "I have nothing to hide" is hopeless in the face of an
incompetent or malicious government. A person who would like to be deprived of property and/or
self-determination would do well to cherish this position.
Snowden's most important argument for his reveil is that in a healty democracy it must be the government
who has to be transparant. The government should be accountable to the people. Not the other way around.
Citizens have the right to self determination and a private life.
Transparent versus closed
It is striking how the crop circle cube seems to express this subversion. The outer edges consist of open cubes,
while the inside is characterized by closedness. The system appears, in a constructed way, open and
transparent to the outside (the outer edges), in the core it looks like a closed bastion. Yet both the
cube and the ring around it suggest, remarkably, the possibility of reversal.
Left: Diagram as from the original cropformation.
Right: Diagram as would follow expected logic or harmony.
As far as the cube is concerned, the possibility of reversal has to do with the curious application of
inverted open cubes along the central axes. In fact, another type of inversion is the case here. The 13
inverted cubes (colored red in the diagram) make it possible to experience the interior of the cube.
It's like looking at an upstairs corner of a room.
Inversed ring showing both sides at the same time.
The ring around the cube plays a similar game with inside or outside. This ring is divided into two
crescents. One crescent (white in the diagram) shows the outside of the ring, while the other (red)
shows the inside.
Up or down?
There are mainly two ways of looking at the cube. Either we look down on the cube from a distance, or
we move, as it were, into the interior of the cube by looking up at the top corner (the middle) of it.
Then, with regard to the social system, one can ask whether we are separate from the power structure,
or whether we have attached ourselves to it and are therefore enthralled by it?
Left: Outside the box. Right: Inside the box. (ufo is a light ornament)
Here is the ability of each individual to relate to the system. Thus, the crop circle becomes a code
or key to the development of inner strength! The system will take hold of us as long as we give it
power. As long as we are in a position of dependence on it, those in power will continue to feed on
our energy. It requires standing in our original power, following our authentic aptitude to overcome.
In the latter case, the supervisory authorities are losing their grip on us. We are then powerful and
the nefarious demagogues less and less this way.
Depending on where we stand in our personal development, it may not be easy to complete the reversal
of the system as an inner task, but here lies the possibility of a way out of the world crisis such as
perceptible on a daily basis.
Hackpen Hill 2012, © David Tarr.